Sticks and Stones – Slingers and Swingers

Approach –

We want to look at David’s approach to three forces that he faced when taking on Goliath. We can apply these same approaches in our lives when Satan tries to drag us down from being victorious.

The constant companion of destiny is doubt.

1. ACCUSATION   1 Samuel 17:26-30

The devil plants doubts in our minds concerning our destiny by accusing us.

2. BELITTLEMENT   1 Samuel 17:30-42

What has the devil been belittling you about lately?

3. PROVOCATION   1 Samuel 17:43-50

The Enemy will always provoke us to come down to his level. If we comply, we will lose every time. However, your enemy can’t defeat you if you keep your distance.

  “And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.”  Colossians 2:15