========== Who Is Jesus? Jesus was somebody’s son! ========== Jesus was somebody’s son! 1. He was Given The Father and the Son had a very close relationship, but the Father gave His Son for all of us. 2. He was Killed Jesus…
========== Who Is Jesus? Jesus was somebody’s son! ========== Jesus was somebody’s son! 1. He was Given The Father and the Son had a very close relationship, but the Father gave His Son for all of us. 2. He was Killed Jesus…
Series: WHO IS JESUS? Message: Jesus the Servant Text: Acts 16:35-39, Phil. 2:1-11 Pastor Tom Cogle Sunday, March 20, 2016 ========== I want to talk to you today about the quality of true servanthood that Jesus demonstrated that literally changed the course of human history. The key characteristic of being a servant – as Jesus was – is Humility! 1. …
Series: WHO IS JESUS? Message: Jesus the Ladder Text: Genesis 28:10-12, 19-21 John 1:51 Pastor Tom Cogle Sunday, March 13, 2016 Today we will establish the fact that the church is the gate to heaven and Jesus is the ladder. He is the way to heaven. Why did Jacob call this place where the ladder stretched from earth to Heaven the House…
Jesus was a human while on this earth – how does that help me now? The reason that it was wonderful that Jesus was a human was because He is sitting now on a throne of grace and mercy and able to empathize with you and extend help to you. Three areas we struggle in and how Jesu can relate: I. Jesus…