IN JESUS NAME: Our Prayers Accumulate in Heaven

Throughout scripture, God’s leaders built altars where He met them in powerful, miraculous ways. God still longs to pour out His power at those altars. But we’ve been seduced away by worldly wisdom and man-made distractions and plans, leaving us ineffective against the evil sweeping across our land. In this message series, we’ll find the path back to five forgotten altars and ultimately, the path to your place in heaven’s throne room. It’s time to storm the altars and pray with humble authority that moves heaven and unleashes victory here on earth.

Message: Our Prayers Accumulate in Heaven
Text: 2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT
Pastor Tom Cogle
Sunday, May 19, 2024

The greatest threat to genuine prayer is time. We struggle to make time for prayer. As time passes our faith wanes and we lose hope, we grow weary and give up.

Our prayers are accumulating in Heaven and in God’s timing and plans – they are answered.

God’s patience and timing is hard for us to comprehend.
But aren’t you glad to know that none of our longing or hoping or praying has been in vain?

Your prayers are more than words and abstract thoughts.
Your prayers are the incense of heaven.
Knowing no prayer is ever wasted is what motivates us to return to our altar day after day after day.
· Don’t stop praying. Keep going.
· Your prayers are accumulating in heaven.
· God is collecting them for just the right moment.

It is about prayer that God’s people have always lived and died. Prayer has always been at the center of following and obeying God. Prayer has always been the priority. Let’s become a people of the altar and a people of prayer.

2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT
If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.