Things Jesus Never Said

Things Jesus Never Said: “You Won’t Have Bad Days”

Series: Things Jesus Never SaidMessage:“YOU WON’T HAVE BAD DAYS”Text: John 16:20-22, 33Sunday, May 12, 2019Pastor Tom Cogle Jesus never promised you’d always be healthy, wealthy and without bad days. Jesus did say: John 16:20 Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. If pain is a promise, then there must be some type of purpose behind…

Things Jesus Never Said-“Go, Do What Make You Happy”

Series: Things Jesus Never SaidMessage: “Go, Do What Makes Your Happy”Text: John 8:2-11Pastor Tom CogleSunday, May 5, 2019Jesus did not say:•Go into all the world and preach whatever makes people happy.•Whoever wants to be my disciple, must affirm themselves, avoid the cross, and follow their own heart.•Ask and it will be given to you, because God is your Celestial Sugar Daddy. This…