Message Archive (Page 46)

Fly Me To The Moon

1. When you are in love with God, you have the power to do anything. Philippians 4:13 – I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. 2. When you are in love with God, it’s not “if” as it relates to adversity occurring. It’s always a question of “when.” The Enemy will attack you in an area you formerly got…

Moodswingers: The Great Emoti Con

What you believe about God affects the way you feel about life. Moods Matter!   I. Our Goal Today: Go from Emoti Confusion to Emoti Control Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.  (Proverbs 4:23) The Attitude of Your Heart Simply Reflects the Activity of Your Mind. Doing starts with Thinking; Thinking starts with Feeling  …

America – A Time To Stand

2 Chronicles 7:14, Psalm 33:12 Pastor Tom Cogle     2 Chronicles 7:14 “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”   Psalm 33:12 “Blessed is the nation whose…

At Last

Marriage between a man and woman is a gift from God, modeling the union between Christ and His bride — the Church. 1. The bride is the beautiful centerpiece of every wedding, There’s no bride that’s more beautiful to a groom than the church is to Christ. 2. Total submission must take place in order for the wedding to have meaning, for…

Road Trip

As we travel this Road Trip, there are several road signs along the way to help us and protect us as we make our journey to the end of our destination.   I.  The Speed Limit Sign Life’s a journey – not a destination   II.  The Detour Sign God will detour you around harmful situations   III.  The Yield Sign Life…

Put It On Me

There is no guarantee that once we place our faith in the hands of Christ, that our lives will suddenly, magically improve. In fact, we often find that it’s quite the opposite. But a life in Christ is not built on the outcome of our circumstances, no matter how shaky and unstable they may become. Today, we want to learn how to…

Scar Shaper

Many wish their lives were a constant stream of blessings. If that is true, how do we deal with everything that doesn’t turn out just right? I. THE BADGE AND THE BRUISE (2 Timothy 1:12) Often the weakness we want to hide is the place that God produces the strength that he wants to show the world.   II. YOU’VE GOT SOME…

The Second Circle

We don’t always understand God’s ways, especially when life seems out of control. I. GOD IS IN CONTROL (2 Timothy 1:9, 12) What you really believe about God isn’t tested or proved by the arguments you conduct, but by the life you live. II. PRISM OF THE PRISON Paul said “God is in control” from a prison cell, not from the high…

More Likes

If what we’re believing isn’t effecting what we’re becoming do we really believe? Three areas that can derail us from living a holy life: I. LIVING FOR MY OWN LIKES: HEY, LOOK AT ME (Matthew 4:1-4) I love myself more than I love the purpose of God for my life. II. LIVING FOR THE LIKES OF OTHERS (Matthew 4:5-7) The quickest way…

I Don’t Know What I Believe

It’s Not What You Believe, It’s Who You Believe In   I. What vs. Whom (1 Timothy 1:9-14) You don’t have to completely understand God in order to completely trust Him with your life.   II. Confidence vs. Certainty It is possible for you to have confidence in your relationship with Jesus even if you don’t have certainty in your understanding of…