Many wish their lives were a constant stream of blessings. If that is true, how do we deal with everything that doesn’t turn out just right? I. THE BADGE AND THE BRUISE (2 Timothy 1:12) Often the weakness we want to hide is the place that God produces the strength that he wants to show the world. II. YOU’VE GOT SOME…
We don’t always understand God’s ways, especially when life seems out of control. I. GOD IS IN CONTROL (2 Timothy 1:9, 12) What you really believe about God isn’t tested or proved by the arguments you conduct, but by the life you live. II. PRISM OF THE PRISON Paul said “God is in control” from a prison cell, not from the high…
If what we’re believing isn’t effecting what we’re becoming do we really believe? Three areas that can derail us from living a holy life: I. LIVING FOR MY OWN LIKES: HEY, LOOK AT ME (Matthew 4:1-4) I love myself more than I love the purpose of God for my life. II. LIVING FOR THE LIKES OF OTHERS (Matthew 4:5-7) The quickest way…
It’s Not What You Believe, It’s Who You Believe In I. What vs. Whom (1 Timothy 1:9-14) You don’t have to completely understand God in order to completely trust Him with your life. II. Confidence vs. Certainty It is possible for you to have confidence in your relationship with Jesus even if you don’t have certainty in your understanding of…
How could the early church push away their fears of taking such a bold stand for God in the midst of horrific persecution? They learned to hold on to the right thoughts and to take captive the thoughts that attempt to take hold of them. I. Focused Faith (Philippians 4:1, 8-9) You can’t live a courageous life without having a concentrated mind.…
How could Stephen (and the other apostles) have been so brave? (Acts 5-7) Today we want to learn how to rely on God’s peace and promises in every situation. I. Anxious for Nothing (Phil. 4:6-7; Rom. 8:31-39) We all want the peace of God, but you have got to “be anxious for nothing” first. II. Waves (Mark 4:35-37) We create our…
Jesus final instructions to His disciples was to wait for the promised baptism in the Holy Spirit. Three Baptisms: 1. Baptism of the Holy Spirit – Salvation 1 Corinthians 12:13 2. Water Baptism Matthew 28:19 3. Baptism in the Holy Spirit Matthew 3:11 Peter’s Pentecost Day Sermon – Acts 2:37-39 1. Repent – salvation 2. Be baptized – water 3. Receive…
The resurrection is power for everyday life. When Jesus showed up and confronted Thomas, He really wanted Thomas to throw away his doubts and just believe. No matter how hopeless your situation is, it is no match for the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Life is still a very real possibility for you, if you believe. 1. The reality of…
Everyone wants a miracle. But here’s the catch: No one wants to be in a situation that necessitates one! Don’t seek miracles. Seek Jesus! If it feels like your life is over remember, it’s not over until God says it’s over! When Jesus walked out of the tomb, the word impossible was removed from our vocabulary. Christianity is not built on the…