Message Archive (Page 47)

The Truth About The Holy Spirit

Jesus final instructions to His disciples was to wait for the promised baptism in the Holy Spirit. Three Baptisms: 1. Baptism of the Holy Spirit – Salvation 1 Corinthians 12:13 2. Water Baptism Matthew 28:19 3. Baptism in the Holy Spirit Matthew 3:11   Peter’s Pentecost Day Sermon – Acts 2:37-39 1. Repent – salvation 2. Be baptized – water 3. Receive…

The Reality of the Resurrection

The resurrection is power for everyday life. When Jesus showed up and confronted Thomas, He really wanted Thomas to throw away his doubts and just believe. No matter how hopeless your situation is, it is no match for the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Life is still a very real possibility for you, if you believe. 1. The reality of…

The Grave Robber

Everyone wants a miracle. But here’s the catch: No one wants to be in a situation that necessitates one! Don’t seek miracles. Seek Jesus! If it feels like your life is over remember, it’s not over until God says it’s over! When Jesus walked out of the tomb, the word impossible was removed from our vocabulary. Christianity is not built on the…

Let’s Make A Deal

LET’S MAKE A DEAL Pastor Dallas Cogle Sunday, March 29, 2015 Spotlighted verse from Feeding of the Five Thousand miracle, John 6:9 (Andrew speaking): “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” 3 LESSONS ABOUT THE UNNAMED ‘BOY’ IN JOHN 6:9: 1. Your AVAILABILITY is your best ability.…

Crash The Chatterbox: This Time

Series: Crash the Chatterbox Week 5: THIS TIME (Discouragement) Genesis 29:16-35 Pastor Tom Cogle Sunday, March 22, 2015 The voice you respond to will determine the future you experience. We are going to learn how to overpower the lies of the enemy with the promises of God! That’s what it means to “Crash the Chatterbox.” OUR CONFESSION THIS WEEK: GOD SAYS “HE…

Crash The Chatterbox: It Will Happen

The voice you respond to will determine the future you experience. We are going to learn how to overpower the lies of the enemy with the promises of God! That’s what it means to “Crash the Chatterbox.” WHEN YOU FIND YOUR LIFE IN A STORM: (AND YOU WILL) 1. STEER BY THE SPIRIT, NOT BY YOUR SENSES Your feelings can’t forecast the…

Crash The Chatter Box: I Know I AM

The voice you respond to will determine the future you experience. We are going to learn how to overpower the lies of the enemy with the promises of God! That’s what it means to “Crash the Chatterbox.” I AM NEVER _____________________ ENOUGH. VOICES FROM THE CHATTERBOX: 1. I AM SO DYSFUNCTIONAL 2. I AM SO DEFICIENT 3. I AM SO DOUBTFUL  …

Crash The Chatter Box: Whatever, Whatever

The enemy of your life, which is the same Satan who tempted Eve in the Garden and tempted Jesus in the desert, will always brand you with your wrong actions and deceive you by telling you that’s who you are through the constant chatterbox of your thought life. But when you’re preloaded with the promises of God by attending church, praying and reading the Word regularly, you will always ‘Crash the Chatterbox!’
“GREATER is HE that’s within you …”
The Holy Spirit will ALWAYS help you find and replace all the enemy’s evil thoughts in your life called your chatterbox!!

Sticks and Stones: Attack and Advantage

We all have our battles. Our issues. Our struggles. Situations we just wish would end. Fights we just want to get through and move on. But Jesus didn’t come so that we could just survive the battle. He defeated death and sin so that we could also have total victory. So how do we win? How do we finish the fight the right way?
Pastor Tom Cogle explains the advantage we have as Christians, and why simply surviving life is no longer an option.