Sermons on John (Page 5)

Greatest All-You-Can-Eat Buffet

Calvary Grace Assembly of God Nov 5 – 6, 2017 ========== GREATEST ALL-YOU-CAN-EAST BUFFET 10:30 AM Sunday Service ========== Don’t seek miracles; follow Jesus. If you follow Jesus long enough and far enough, you’ll eventually find yourself in the middle of some miracles. Here’s the catch: In order to have a miracle, you need to have a problem. The bigger the problem, the greater…

What Is Your Sent: Blind Obedience Leads to God’s Vision

This message will challenge people to follow God’s direction through blind obedience no matter how unconventional it may seem, as we read concerning the blind man in John 9, to see their God-ordained dreams fulfilled. ========== John 9:1-11 As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he…

Jesus the Ladder

Series: WHO IS JESUS? Message: Jesus the Ladder Text: Genesis 28:10-12, 19-21 John 1:51 Pastor Tom Cogle Sunday, March 13, 2016   Today we will establish the fact that the church is the gate to heaven and Jesus is the ladder. He is the way to heaven. Why did Jacob call this place where the ladder stretched from earth to Heaven the…

The Power Of Same

We are obsessed with sparkle, with shiny, with the next big, new thing.  The key to change is more of the same. Bad kinds of Sameness: • Stagnant Sameness • Stupid Sameness • Stubborn Sameness • Scared Sameness Sacred Sameness I. IF YOU RESIST THE MONOTONOUS, YOU’LL MISS THE MIRACULOUS Change is a process and you have to stay connected over the…