Sermons by Pastor Dallas Cogle (Page 4)

‘Will’ vs. ‘Can’: The Difference Will Leave You SPEECHLESS!

How the stories of Zechariah and the virgin Mary from Luke 1 greatly affect your life. The words we use in discovering the greatness of Christ in our life are an indication of our faith and often dictate the level of Godly blessings we experience. In this impactful message, Pastor Dallas Cogle breaks down the intriguing stories of Zechariah and the virgin Mary from Luke…

Fear of Rejection

Saul looked the part of being the first king of Israel. He was “an impressive young man without equal among the Israelites — a head taller than any of the others.” Scoop on Saul’s background: He may have looked the part of being a king, but his family was from the smallest of the clans in Israel and among the humblest of…

Hello My Name Is

The highest creation of God in His image, both male and female.  (Gen. 1:27)   God’s Image: We’re all worthy of honor and respect, while having such characteristics as righteousness, holiness & knowledge   God knew when He created man/woman in His image that sin would enter the world.   God created man/woman in His image to offset sin – to shift the question…

Fly Me To The Moon

1. When you are in love with God, you have the power to do anything. Philippians 4:13 – I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. 2. When you are in love with God, it’s not “if” as it relates to adversity occurring. It’s always a question of “when.” The Enemy will attack you in an area you formerly got…

At Last

Marriage between a man and woman is a gift from God, modeling the union between Christ and His bride — the Church. 1. The bride is the beautiful centerpiece of every wedding, There’s no bride that’s more beautiful to a groom than the church is to Christ. 2. Total submission must take place in order for the wedding to have meaning, for…

Let’s Make A Deal

LET’S MAKE A DEAL Pastor Dallas Cogle Sunday, March 29, 2015 Spotlighted verse from Feeding of the Five Thousand miracle, John 6:9 (Andrew speaking): “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” 3 LESSONS ABOUT THE UNNAMED ‘BOY’ IN JOHN 6:9: 1. Your AVAILABILITY is your best ability.…