Can we do anything about how what’s going on around us affects us? • YOU BET WE CAN – AS BELIEVERS! What do we know about what believers can do? • We know that most of life’s battles are won or lost in the mind/the thinking. • We know it’s almost impossible to have a positive life when you’re thinking negative thoughts. o And that can be a problem when your mind races with negative thoughts and irrational worries……and we all battle that at times.

Calm Your Anxious Mind
Text: Philippians 4:6-9, Romans 8:5-6
Pastor Tom Cogle
Sunday, January 9, 2022

It’s so easy for your mind to race and to be overwhelmed with very real feelings of anxiety and fear.
Amygdala – part of the mind wired for survival/panic
Prefrontal Cortex – Logical part of the brain
Prayer brings balance to the two parts of the brain.
· Prayer moves the heart of God.
· Prayer changes the chemistry in your brain
“It has been found that 12 minutes of daily focused prayer over an 8-week period can change the brain to such an extent that it can be measured on a brain scan.”
Dr. Caroline Leaf, Switch on Your Brain

So why do we worry?
· Science says – amygdala is hijacked
· Bible says – dominated by sinful thinking

I’m gonna take my prefrontal cortex and say, “You think on what’s true. You think on what’s excellent. You think on what’s praiseworthy.
I’m putting my trust completely in You.

“Imagine your heart at peace, living a life of joy, having peace of mind, and trusting God for everything.

It’s possible and it’s also a choice.
Cover everything you do in prayer!
Get out into the deep and trust God as your anchor.
Make your worry list your prayer list!
God wants to calm your anxious mind.