Decisions Good Dads Make

Mordecai provides us with a great example of how to be a good father.

Decisions Good Dads Make
Father’s Day 2024
Text: Esther 5:1
Pastor Tom Cogle
June 16, 2024

Mordecai wasn’t a father. He was an adoptive dad.
He adopted Esther, as she had no living parents.

Through a beauty contest, Esther became King Xeres’ queen, taking Queen Vashti’s place.

1. Good fathers keep deciding to be fathers.

Mordecai made a decision to be a good father.
Dads today must decided every day to be a good dad.

2. Children catchcharacter from good fathers.

Esther’s courage was “caught” no taught from her adoptive dad – Mordecai.

Our kids learn how to navigate life by watching us, do it successfully not by being verbally instructed by us.

3. Good fathers challenge their children to live for a purpose.

Queen Esther was born for “such a time as this.”
She saved the Jews living in her nation of Persia.

Never underestimate the providence of God.
Never underestimate the influence of a good father.
Never underestimate the significance of your children.