Happy Mother’s Day-WONDER WOMEN

Mother’s Day 2021
Text(s): Genesis 2:18, 21-22 Esther 4:14; Philippians 4:6-9
Pastor Tom Cogle
Sunday, May 9, 2021

There is a Divine Deposit – a WONDER – that has been given to every mother/woman to do great things for God.

1. You Are Wonderfully Unique

A. Don’t compare yourself to other women.
B. Men and women are two different creations.
C. We are here not to compete with one another, but to complete one another.
D. Helper – Ezer – “To bring life, to rescue, to save in times of crisis or difficulty.”

2. You Are Wonderfully Purposed

A. You must assume the responsibility of pursuing God’s purpose for your life.
B. Rahab had a divine purpose.
C. You have divine purpose to accomplish so much for God.

3. You Are Wonderfully Positioned

A. Your position is greatest when you are using God’s unique purpose where God has placed you.
B. Queen Esther used her position to give life to her people.

4. Awaken Your Wonder

Pray – Appreciate – Meditate – Activate