HOW DO I KNOW?… There Is A God?

Is there a God? And if so, does He really love me? How do I know if the Bible is actually true? And what do Christians mean when they say, “Jesus is the way”? In the How Do I Know … series, Pastor Tom Cogle uses scriptures from the Bible, proven evidence, and personal stories to help you find the answers to these questions and more!

Series: How Do I Know?
Today: “…There Is A God?
Psalm 14:1
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Pastor Tom Cogle

I. There is a Correct World View
A world view must answer four questions:
·Origin – How did I get here?
· Meaning – Why am I here?
· Morality – How do I define good and evil?
· Destiny – What happens to me after death?

Christianity is the only worldview that answers those four questions.

II. There are no Atheist

It is scientifically impossible to be an atheist.

You must have all-knowledge to say, “there is no God” and no person has all-knowledge.
The agnostic knows they cannot say positively that there is no God,so, they say, “I don’t know if there is a God.”

Psalm 14:1“The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”

III. There is a God
I can tell you there is a God because:
• I have met Him
• I have talked with Him today!
• He is my closest friend

Over a billion people in the world today say that they have met God, they have talked with He’s and He’s their friend.

See: You cannot say there is not a God; but I can tell you there is a God.

You have the ability to choose if you are going to love, follow and serve Jesus Christ or not.

And that choice determines your eternal destiny.

Let me encourage you today: Choose life that you might live!