It’s not enough to just show up at church. Our hearts long for more than that. We want to be needed. We want to be known. We want to have purpose and know that we make a difference. This series is an invitation for people to drive deep roots into our church, show them the difference they can make, and help them see the power they have inside them. This series focuses on involving attenders in LifeGroups, inviting people to church, serving, missions, etc. so they can grow closer to God and each other.

Series: I’M IN
Texts: Matthew 5:13-16; John 4:9-41
Pastor Tom Cogle
Sunday, October 13, 2019

You have no idea how God might use one conversation, one word of encouragement, or one expression of love might change someone’s life.
We are called to be salt and light in our world.
True and lasting influence always starts with people before platform.
Influence isn’t always obvious. Influence isn’t always instant.

Two Great Truths:
1.No matter how bad your life is messed up, you’re not too far gone for the love of Jesus to reach into your life.
2.You don’t have to have it all together to influence someone else toward Jesus.
You just have to know who Jesus is and care about the people around you.

You have no idea how much one conversation, one word of encouragement, one expression of love might change someone’s life.one’s life.