It’s not enough to just show up at church. Our hearts long for more than that. We want to be needed. We want to be known. We want to have purpose and know that we make a difference. This series is an invitation for people to drive deep roots into our church, show them the difference they can make, and help them see the power they have inside them. This series focuses on involving attenders in LifeGroups, inviting people to church, serving, missions, etc. so they can grow closer to God and each other

Series: I’M IN
Message: I’m Invaluable
Text:1 Corinthians 12: 12, 14-17, 22, 27
Pastor Tom Cogle
Sunday, October 6, 2019

My prayer today is that you will see that you are invaluable to God’s work. You are uniquely prepared with divine gifts, with passions, with talents.

What do you call a person who has submitted to the lordship of Jesus Christ? (Christians/Disciple/Follower of Christ)

What do you call a group of Christians gathered together to worship God, empowered by His Spirit to make a difference in this world? (The Church/The Body of Christ)

On your own, you’re just a disciple.But when you gather together with other Spirit-filled, Word-empowered believers, You take on a new identity. – You are His body.
Every part of the body matters!

If one part of the Body of Christ is asleep, the rest of the Body has to work harder. We must wake up and do what we were created to do.

It’s not about your ability, but your availability!

Think of what is possible, if you would recognize that you matter to God, that He has given you gifts, that He’s given you talents, that you’re valuable to Him just because you are.
I promise you, with everything in me, I’m gonna do my part.And with everything in you, will you do your part?

You are invaluable to God’s work!