Jesus Christ, THe Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever

Everything around us may change, but Jesus never changes. He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. He alone is the only stable force in our lives. Therefore, we do not need to be afraid.

Hebrews 13:1-8
Pastor Tom Cogle
Sunday, August 2, 2020

The world changes fast, doesn’t it?This year, we have learned that in new and dramatic ways.
In an ever-changing, shifting world, what you and I need is an anchor. Something certain, solid, unchangeable, and true.

The author of the Book of Hebrews is challenging the believers not to give up, but to endure.
And it’s in that context that we come to our main verse today:In a world that is so quickly changing, and nothing is constant but change:
This promise has brought encouragement and hope to believers for generations.This is why you don’t give up.This is why you keep trusting.This is why you treat people right.This is why you don’t have to live in fear.

Hebrews 13:8Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Jesus is the unchanging solid anchor in an ever-changing world.
When you wake up tomorrow morning and hear the news of how something has changed in our world, in our nation, and in our culture,…………………
Jesus will be the same!
All my hope is in Jesus because He is the same….
1. Yesterday – Jesus was working in your past.
2. Today – Jesus is working today in your life.
3. Forever – Jesus will be working every second of every day in your future.

Our world may change.Our society may change.People you know and love will change, and they may disappoint you.Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.We can face uncertain days – because He is the same every day!