What are you tolerating in your life that’s offending the Lord? Even as Christians, we put up with things that hurt us and hold us back. Yes, we should be tolerant of people, loving them, being patient with them. But as Jesus told the churches in the book of Revelation, we should never tolerate sin. If we love the Lord, we should love what He loves and hate what He hates.

Love and Hate
Revelation 2:1-4, 6, 18-21
Pastor Tom Cogle
Sunday, June 9, 2024

In Revelation 2, Jesus speaks very directly, using love but also correction to the seven churches. The reason He does so is he needs the church to do its job, to be what it is supposed to be.

The church is very important to God.
We want to make God happy!

In the letters to the seven churches, there is LOVE and there is HATE.

God loves everyone, but He hates evil and sinful practices.
There are things in our culture that God hates. We should hate the things He hates.

Why does God hate anything? Because He knows what those things do to the people that He loves.

Do we tolerate things and people that God has spoken to use about?

The Bible says bad company corrupts morals.

What are you tolerating in your life that’s offending the Lord? Even as Christians, we put up with things that hurt us and hold us back. Yes, we should be tolerant of people, loving them, being patient with them. But as Jesus told the churches in the book of Revelation, we should never tolerate sin. If we love the Lord, we should love what He loves and hate what He hates.