Mastermind: The Peace of God

Series: Mastermind

Message: The Peace of God

Text(s): Philippians 4:6-9,

Romans 12:2; 8:5-6

Pastor Tom Cogle

Sunday, March 10, 2019

•Most of life’s battles are won or lost in the mind.

•There’s a battle going on in every mind.

•It’s impossible to live a positive life, when you’re consumed with negative thoughts.

•If you don’t change the way you think, how can you ever change the way that you live?

Your life will always move in the direction of your strongest thoughts.

The Amygdala:

•A part of the brain responsible for FEAR.

•It needs help from the Prefrontal Cortex

•We reduce fear by prayer

Not only does prayer move the heart of God, but prayer changes the chemistry in your brain.

•Prayer renews the mind.

Worry is the sin of distrusting the promises and power God.

Instead of letting sinful thoughts control our minds, we can choose to believe what God says is true.

•Do what I can do.

•Give God what I can’t do

•Trust God no matter what.

There will always be a battle in your mind. Let Jesus win the battle. Take the thoughts captive, and let Jesus replace them with truth, because when you know the truth, the truth will set you free.