Never Without

Inflation has affected everyone’s life and family. What are we supposed to do?

Message Series: God’s Supply
Today’s Message: “Never Without”
Text: Philippians 4:19, Psalm 37:25
Pastor Tom Cogle
Sunday, March 9, 2025

Inflation has affected everyone’s life and family.
What are we supposed to do?

The Bible is a book of instructions for every area of our life including our finances and when things get difficult.

The Bible has many promises of God supplying all of our needs.

But God doesn’t want us to become spoiled children by just giving to us when we are in need. He has a certain lifestyle he wants us to live by before He supplies our needs.

His method of supplying our needs is for us to be obedient to his word and give him the 1st 10% of our income through our local church.

In fact, God says if we do not give Him 10% of all of our income we’re cheating or robbing Him, and we end up with a curse placed upon our finances.

Is it any wonder that our churches are filled with people seeking prayer for their needs and their problems, and yet they aren’t living in obedience to God in their tithing and giving. No amount of prayer for a need will make up for disobedience to God. God simply cannot bless disobedience.

Why don’t you try it God’s way and put God first with your finances so He can bless you and your family?