REVELATION: Book of Promise (Message #12: Beauty and the Beast)

Our Lord promised us He was coming back again. And He told us to watch and be ready. He also told us to understand the times that we’re living in. So, we want to look into the Book of Revelation and see what this great book has to say to us.

Message: Beauty and the Beast
Text(s): Revelation 17, 18, & 19
Pastor Tom Cogle
Sunday, May 30, 2021
The Beast is the Bible’s description of the Anti-Christ.
Beauty is the church!
Babylon is the vast, evil religious deception taking place during the last half of the tribulation.
All religions aren’t the same.
Jesus the only way, truth, and life.
Babylon in Revelation 18 is a false religion.
In the church, you have real believers and you have pretend believers.
In Revelation 19, you have the believers in Heaven celebrating at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. They are singing the Hallelujah Chorus.
What are believers celebrating?
1. We celebrate because the power of God has finally vanquished evil. (Rev. 19:1-2)
2. We rejoice because the Lord is reigning.(Rev. 19:3-4)
3. We celebrate because the Marriage Supper of the Lamb has come. (Rev. 19:7-9)We all have an appointment with God one day.
Is your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life?