Habits of a Healthy Heart – Believing God for Your Family

In new seasons, we often focus on what we should do more of. But sometimes, just need to simplify. In our series, Habits of a Healthy Heart, we’ll take a deep breath, make space for God, and allow Him to work in our lives.

Series: HABITS OF A Healthy Heart
Message 5: Believing God for Your Family
Text: Acts 16:25-34 NLT
Pastor Tom Cogle
Sunday, August 11, 2024

Do you have family that needs to be saved?
Did you know that because you are saved, salvation is also available for your family?

Acts 16:31 NLT
They replied, “Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved,

One of the greatest habits we can develop is praying for our unsaved family and believing God is going to save them.

Because you are saved, there is a greater HOPE for their salvation.

Remove all doubt in your mind that God will save your loved one.

Be sure that your personal conduct and your character set the right example.

Only the holy spirit can convict people of sin and convince them of their need of Christ, but as people begin to pray I believe heaven begins to move!

“Lord, I come to you today asking for your help and guidance for a dear family member who is lost and wandering. I pray you will reach out to him/her and show him/her your love and grace.

I know that you are a loving and merciful God and that nothing is impossible for you. I trust in your power to save, and I ask that you open his/her eyes and heart to the gospel’s truth. Lord, cancel every plan of hell against him/her. I refuse to allow Satan to steal his/her life. I come against every bondage, stronghold, and demonic attack on him/her.

I pray that You will give him/her the strength to turn away from his/her sin and to follow You. I pray you would surround him/her with godly influences.

I ask that you give me the wisdom and discernment to best pray for him/her and support him/her in his/her spiritual journey. And I pray you would give me the patience and perseverance to trust in Your timing and plan. I declare he/she will serve the Lord in a mighty, powerful way.

I thank you, Lord, for your love, grace, and hope of eternal life through Jesus.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen.