Sermons on John (Page 3)


God has a plan for our good and wants to provide permanent solutions to our problems, not temporary answers. The Three Truths of Palm SundayText: John 12:12-15Sunday, March 28, 2021Pastor Tom Cogle 1. Save Now “Hosanna!” means “save now.”In Psalm 107, the Israelites experienced troubles and cried out to God who saved them. Then they thanked Him. God wants us to cry…


The Bible doesn’t reveal end time prophecy to SCARE us but to PREPARE us! God isn’t about CONCEALING what is to come but REVEALING what is to come. Are We There Yet? – Part 22 Peter 3:1-9, Isaiah 46:9-10John 2:1-9, Matthew 26:29Sunday, September 13, 2020Pastor Tom Cogle The Bible doesn’t reveal end time prophecy to SCARE us but to PREPARE us! God…

What Are You Known For? Holy Spirit Produce

Series: What Are You Known For?Message: Holy Spirit ProduceText: Galatians 5:16-24 NLTPastor Tom CogleSunday, September 27, 2020 We are known by our fruit!We are called to be FAITHFUL and FRUITFUL.I. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS OUR ADVOCATE.The Holy Spirit is the presence of God who is with us,lives in us, and advocates for us. II. THE HOLY SPIRIT DEALS WITH OUR APPETITE.The Holy…

What Are You Known For?

When we let the Spirit guide our life, he shifts our desires and shapes our appetite. Main Scripture Passage: Galatians 5:16-24 NLT What does it look like to have the Holy Spirit lead your life? The outcomes will be the fruits of the Spirit. Series: What Are You Known For?Message: Holy Spirit ProduceText: Galatians 5:16-24 NLTPastor Tom CogleSunday, September 27, 2020 We…


The Bible doesn’t reveal end time prophecy to SCARE us but to PREPARE us! God isn’t about CONCEALING what is to come but REVEALING what is to come. Are We There Yet? – Part 22 Peter 3:1-9, Isaiah 46:9-10John 2:1-9, Matthew 26:29Sunday, September 13, 2020Pastor Tom Cogle The Bible doesn’t reveal end time prophecy to SCARE us but to PREPARE us! God…

A NEW APPROACH – The Issues facing our Country & the Christian Church today

Message: A New Approach(The Issues facing our Country& the Christian Church today.)Text: John 13:34Pastor Tom CogleSunday, July 5, 2020 This weekend, we celebrate America’s 244th year of Independence.What does that mean?Usually FREEDOM – predominantly freedom from England’s rule over us.But in the endeavor to celebrate our freedom this year, we find ourselves a nation divided. Politically. Culturally. Racially.Even the church is divided.…

THERE IS A REASON – Stop Comparing Your Purpose

(0:00–19:14) REVIVE Kid’s Online- Roller Coaster Life Week 2 (God Will Provide) (19:15–1:40:09) Calvary Grace Live Service- Message Series: There Is A Reason THERE IS A REASON There is Purpose in Your Pain Pain. Anxiety. Frustration. Our struggles don’t always have answers in the moment—but even when we can’t see it, they always have a purpose. When we’re going through trials, it’s…