Sermons on Podcast (Page 17)


God has a plan for our good and wants to provide permanent solutions to our problems, not temporary answers. The Three Truths of Palm SundayText: John 12:12-15Sunday, March 28, 2021Pastor Tom Cogle 1. Save Now “Hosanna!” means “save now.”In Psalm 107, the Israelites experienced troubles and cried out to God who saved them. Then they thanked Him. God wants us to cry…

REVELATION: Book of Promise (Message #1: Your Password to Unlocking the Book of Revelation)

Our Lord promised us He was coming back again. And He told us to watch and be ready. He also told us to understand the times that we’re living in. So, we want to look into the Book of Revelation and see what this great book has to say to us. Series: RevelationMessage: Your Password to Unlocking the Book of RevelationText: Revelation…


The Bible doesn’t reveal end time prophecy to SCARE us but to PREPARE us! God isn’t about CONCEALING what is to come but REVEALING what is to come. Are We There Yet? – Part 22 Peter 3:1-9, Isaiah 46:9-10John 2:1-9, Matthew 26:29Sunday, September 13, 2020Pastor Tom Cogle The Bible doesn’t reveal end time prophecy to SCARE us but to PREPARE us! God…