Our Lord promised us He was coming back again. And He told us to watch and be ready. He also told us to understand the times that we’re living in. So, we want to look into the Book of Revelation and see what this great book has to say to us.
Message: The Afterlife
Text: Revelation 4
Pastor Tom Cogle
Sunday, March 7, 2021
When a Christian enters the afterlife, they go to Heaven.
I. WHAT IS THE RAPTURE?___________________________________________
II. WHY IS THERE A RAPTURE?___________________________________________
III. WHAT DID JESUS AND PAUL SAY ABOUT THE RAPTURE?___________________________________________
IV. ARE THERE ANY EXAMPLES OF ANYONE BEING RAPTURED INTHE BIBLE?___________________________________________
V. WHEN IS THE RAPTURE GOING TO HAPPEN?___________________________________________
VI. WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN FIRST, THE RAPTURE OR THESECOND COMING?___________________________________________
VII. WHAT DOES JOHN SEE IN HEAVEN?___________________________________________
VIII. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO BE DOING IN HEAVEN?___________________________________________
IX. WHY ARE WE ON EARTH TODAY?___________________________________________
X. WHERE WILL YOU SPEND YOUR AFTERLIFE?___________________________________________