REVELATION: Book of Promise (Message #3: The 7 Love Letters of Jesus to His Church)

Our Lord promised us He was coming back again. And He told us to watch and be ready. He also told us to understand the times that we’re living in. So, we want to look into the Book of Revelation and see what this great book has to say to us.

Series: Revelation
Message:The 7 Love Letters of Jesus to His Church
Text: Revelation 2 & 3
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Pastor Tom Cogle

Jesus sent seven love letters to the seven churches to express how much He loved them.

The Church at Pergamum
Compromise was their sin.
The devil joins the church!
Repent and God will reward you handsomely!

The Church in Thyatira
They were tolerating sin.
Their conscience didn’t bother them anymore.
They must repent and renew their sensitivity to God.

The Church in Sardis
They looked good on the outside.
They were spiritually dead inside.
They needed to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

The Church in Philadelphia
This church was alive!
They were regaining their strength.

The Church at Laodicea
They made God sick to His stomach.
They were neither hot nor cold, but lukewarm.
There is more hope for someone who is cold.
Jesus was standing on the outside, knocking.