Sermons on Genesis (Page 2)

Dream to Destiny – The Pride Test

We all have dreams, but sometimes the journey to reaching them feels full of challenges. In the Dream to Destiny series, Pastor Tom Cogle explores the Old Testament story of Joseph, a man who had a God-given dream but didn’t fulfill his destiny until 13 years later. In that time God took Joseph through the 10 character-building tests we all must face…

Mothers Have Special Abilities

Mothers have some special characteristics and traits that God gave them when He specially created them for the task ahead. Mothers Have Special AbilitiesGenesis 1:26-27, Luke 7:12-15Pastor Tom CogleSunday, May 8, 2022 Mothers have some special characteristics and traits that God gave them when He specially created them for the task ahead.Some Things Mothers Got From God: 1. Mothers KnowMothers are the…

Signs of the Times: Socialism

There may never be a time in history when end-times prophecy is more aligned with the culture and circumstances of the world than it is today. Series: Signs of the TimesMessage: SocialismTexts: Matthew 24:37-39, Genesis 6:5Pastor Tom CogleSunday, October 3, 2021 There may never be a time in history when end-times prophecy is more aligned with the culture and circumstances of the…

Happy Mother’s Day-WONDER WOMEN

WONDER WOMENMother’s Day 2021Text(s): Genesis 2:18, 21-22 Esther 4:14; Philippians 4:6-9Pastor Tom CogleSunday, May 9, 2021 There is a Divine Deposit – a WONDER – that has been given to every mother/woman to do great things for God. 1. You Are Wonderfully Unique A. Don’t compare yourself to other women.B. Men and women are two different creations.C. We are here not to…

BLESSED FAMILIES – The Blessed Marriage

Just in time for the Thanksgiving season, join us starting November 3rd for a five-part series as we get back to a place of slowing down, enjoying the people around us, and learning how to live in God’s blessings for our families. Every family is different—with their own wins, struggles, and personalities. But what’s the secret to having a truly happy home…


Just in time for the Thanksgiving season, join us starting November 3rd for a five-part series as we get back to a place of slowing down, enjoying the people around us, and learning how to live in God’s blessings for our families. Every family is different—with their own wins, struggles, and personalities. But what’s the secret to having a truly happy home…

Call Me Jacob

Series: #DEATHTOSELFIE In this series, we’ll discover how finding our identity in Christ can save us from the greatest obstacle standing in our way – us. ========== Genesis 25:21-24 Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was childless. The Lord answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant. The babies jostled each other within her, and…

Jesus the Ladder

Series: WHO IS JESUS? Message: Jesus the Ladder Text: Genesis 28:10-12, 19-21 John 1:51 Pastor Tom Cogle Sunday, March 13, 2016   Today we will establish the fact that the church is the gate to heaven and Jesus is the ladder. He is the way to heaven. Why did Jacob call this place where the ladder stretched from earth to Heaven the…