BLESSED FAMILIES – The Blessed Marriage

Just in time for the Thanksgiving season, join us starting November 3rd for a five-part series as we get back to a place of slowing down, enjoying the people around us, and learning how to live in God’s blessings for our families. Every family is different—with their own wins, struggles, and personalities. But what’s the secret to having a truly happy home life? In this series, Pastor Tom Cogle talks about God’s design for families and how to live in His blessing for your family. On the last Sunday of the series, December 1, we will give away a 6 foot table with six chairs, complete with centerpiece consisting of a runner and Fall decor. (Entries can be made each week, giving each person, age 21 and over, up to five chances to win.) Don’t miss one of these exciting Sundays: November 3 – December 1!

Series: Blessed Families
Message: The Blessed Marriage
Texts: Matthew 19:3-8, Genesis 1:26-27,Ephesians 5:31-33, Malachi 2:14
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Pastor Tom Cogle

In Matthew 19 Jesus gives us the reason why marriage is so important, and why Satan hates marriage so much. .

When God wanted to create a portrait of Himself on earth, He created marriage.

A male is not the image of God.
A female is not the image of God.
A married couple is the image of God.

Husbands are supposed to be declaring to the world how Jesus treats His bride, the Church.

Wives are supposed to be declaring to the world how we as the Church show honor and respect to Christ.

A covenant is not a contract. In a contract you try to protect your rights and limit your responsibilities. In a covenant, you lay down your rights and pick up your responsibilities.

If you’re married, are you reflecting God’s image in earth?
If you’re single, is your life showing the world who the Father is the way Jesus lived His single life on earth?