Standing Strong in a Secular World

Perhaps little is more heartbreaking in the Christian’s life than to watch a fellow believer abandon the faith. But in recent years, more and more professed believers seem to be falling away. In this message, we learn the strategies for guarding against apostasy.

Standing Strong in a Secular World

The Falling Away

Text: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3 NKJV

Pastor Tom Cogle

April 7, 2024

“Everyone is Leaving Christianity and no one Knows Where They’re Going.”

Defectors from faith in God are no longer called E, they are called EX.

Religious Nones -not affiliated with any faith.

I. What Does All This Mean?

Apostasy – falling away, once followed Jesus but turned their backs on Him.

How can anyone who has tasted of the goodness and love of God ever fall away:

1. Some are Deceived.

2. Some are Disillusioned.

3. Some are Distracted.

II. Where Do We Go From Here?

How do we protect ourselves:

1. Examine Ourselves.

2, Encourage Yourself.

3. Exercise Yourself.

With so many people falling away from their faith in God

let’s be known to be a people who remain steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.