REVELATION: Book of Promise (Message #2: What if Jesus Sent You an Email?

Our Lord promised us He was coming back again. And He told us to watch and be ready. He also told us to understand the times that we’re living in. So, we want to look into the Book of Revelation and see what this great book has to say to us.

Message: What if Jesus Sent you an Email?
Text: Revelation 2
Sunday, February 21, 2021
Pastor Tom Cogle

We will see in Revelation chapter 2 and Revelation chapter 3 that Jesus has a whole lot to say to the church and to you and me as believers.
Three things about these letters to the seven churches:

1. These letters speak to us practically.

2. These letters speak to us prophetically.

3. These letters speak to us personally.

Jesus knows all about His church and His people.• He knows what you are facing and going through.

Jesus compliments for criticizing:

1. As followers of Jesus we should be busy and be about our Father’s business.

2. As followers of Jesus we need to hang in there through thick and thin.

3. As Followers of Jesus we need to be more discerning.
The three R’s to getting right with God:

1. Remember

2. Repent

3. Repeat